The Joslyns (Cleveland,OH)
Ray : bass guitar Ryan: drums, vocals Wred: guitar Ursula: key board Tony: Synthesizer
latest news and shows
Unfortunately, the band will be on hiatus. I started playing for The Twilight and its eating up all my time. There's some other speed bumps but look for a reunion show this summer and down the road. Thank you everyone for supporting us. Fred has a new band called Team Fright. Ray and I may be doing our project: The Electric Chairs. Ursula and I will do another Missing Head of Elizabeth Bathory. -ryan
Thanks to everyone that came out. The other acts: The Twilight and The Atomic Crash were great. Next show is January 23rd at Pat's In the Flats. Ursula and myself opening- The Missing Head of Elizabeth Bathory, New Machines, The Twilight. Get a bootleg video for low price. -ryan
Our next show is December 6th at The Symposium in Lakewood with The Twilight. January Pat's in The Flats: The Twilight and New Machines (Toledo). We are now a five piece, no more Brandy back up vocals. Februrary show in Toledo. Pittsburgh and Erie also in the works. Hope to see you at the shows.
Tuesday June 17th at The Beachland w/ The Soviettes was a surprisingly nice turnout.
Our group hadn't rehearsed since our last week when we played at Pat's in The Flats.
That show was another story.
The Canadian bands never showed up nor contacted us.
If they died on the way here in an accident or from ailments than I feel sorry for them.
However if they just forgot or decided to blow us off than they are mother fackers'.
Pat was pissed too.
Well anyhow we played for a handful of kids the whole night.
Thanks to those who attended.
The Soviettes were fun to play with.
Their live sound was upbeat and crafty versus the mp3s from their website.
Look for us at The Beachland soon.
If you don't have a copy yet our four song ep "Awake" is available at shows
Our 4 song ep Awake is now available. Get a copy next show or email me:
April 3rd at The Hi Fi was the debut of our keyboardist, Ursula. Fun time but only had a slot for 4-5 songs. This was the third or fourth installment of The Timmie Boose Variety Show. I'm hoping she'll do more in the future. Then on Saturday Pat's in the Flats we played a regular set. Thank you everyone that came out. It was a great time all the bands were fun.
The Joslyns first show was in Kent,OH. Before our set at The Zephyr, once a vegetarian resteraunt now a two story drinking hole, we practiced our 6 or 7 songs. At this point we were only playing together for about a month. We pulled it off. The show went well. We improvised some parts, had a nice reception, and a great time too. Apparently the night went better than we consciously knew, a guy rumored that we slept with some random girls after the show. Ray and I got a laugh. Anyway the show really layed the foundation of this band. Each member is able to improv and bring different elements to the group. We can play heavy indie pop, sing about dream-like states, beauty in drudgery, afterlife, disillusions, and then smile the whole way through. Oh, and there were other acts our guitarist's solo project,Wred Fright was great and Kill The Hippies too. Always nice.